The “Raw Truth” about the OBX market right now.

It’s no secret the real estate market is in very bad shape right now.  And in an effort to be as up-front as possible about the pros and cons, I wanted to create this quick list of the main things to consider before buying or selling.

One of the biggest questions I get as an agent is around timing.  When is the right time to buy or to sell?  Truthfully, there is not a one-size-fits-all answer to this.  The best time is when you want to.  Rarely do we have clients who HAVE to buy or sell out of some distress.  That’s just not the norm.  So, does it make sense for YOU to buy or sell right now?  Let’s look at the raw truth.

  1. Outer Banks homes have the ability to generate quite a nice rental income. If you want to insure your long-term capability to own the home, only look at homes with income that is enough to cover the mortgage.  If it’s not going to cover at least that part, it may not be the right house for you.
  2. OBX home purchases are primarily a lifestyle choice. It’s not the norm to make bank on rental income, so only buy a home you know you will get a lot of personal use from.  If it’s not really ideal for your family, you won’t use it.  That time spent is priceless.  Be sure it fits your future family, too.
  3. With banks failing as what seems to be a regular occurrence now, real estate is an actual tangible asset. While the prices do fluctuate, it will never go to zero.  The inflationary dollar is in real trouble.  Why not park some cash in real estate, especially with passive income and personal use on the table?
  4. However, real estate appreciation or value is NOT capable of instant liquidity. Unless you consider 30 days instant.  Pulling liquidity out of real estate takes some financial investment and, most importantly, time.  If you need liquid cash fast, this is not the right investment.
  5. MAINTENANCE IS MANDATORY. Let me say that again.    Do not become one of those lax owners who collects the money and does nothing to the house for 20 years.  It will only cost more later.  The environment here is harsh.  Annual maintenance to keep the home in top condition is expensive.  Be prepared for that, or just buy raw land instead.
  6. While we benefit from low taxes here, insurance is most definitely on the rise! It may soon be unaffordable for many.  And, there is talk of no longer offering coverage for natural disasters.  I can’t imagine they get away with that, but be aware it’s being talked about. To be properly insured could be pushing $15,000 for many homes these days.  It’s nothing to take lightly.  Make sure you aren’t currently under-insured.  Construction costs for a new build START at $300/sq.ft. now!  (I hope you were sitting when you read that)
  7. Interest rates aren’t forever; you can refinance! Granted, you will need equity in the home to do that, so be aware it does come with some risk if that is your plan.  You will need to refinance before the market price eats up your 20% down payment, or it will require more cash to make it happen.
  8. As a Long-term investment plan, real estate is actually very low risk – high reward. Even if someone bought in the last boom of 2005, just 16 years later, even they would have made a handsome profit.  Not to mention 15 or 20 years of someone else paying your mortgage…all that equity for you to capitalize on at the end.

If you would like to discuss your specific circumstances and find out the best timing to either buy or sell, just contact me and we will go through everything you need to know!

August Market Update 2023

August on the Outer Banks

We are closely watching the main stats on supply (up 33% since January) and demand (down 44% since January).  Part of that is watching more specific pockets of activity to glean a closer insight into future trends.  One of those trends I’ve noticed in my near 30 year career is that of high-end home sales.

Take a look at the numbers for Duck and Corolla.

Homes sold $2M and over:

2019 –              6

2020 –              26

2021 –              64

2022 –              51

2023 –              17 YTD  (Likely on track for 27 total)

    • Even if we end up at 27 sold, that will be a decline of 47% year over year.
    • Number of price reductions to get homes sold is going up; 60% of properties sold are under list price, compared to 51% last year.
    • Median days on market for the high-end sales has gone from 21 days to 93 days year over year.
    • There are currently 30 homes for sale in Duck and Corolla $2M and over. With basically 2.4 buyers a month this is over a year worth of inventory.

With interest rates rising, insurance costs rising, rents stabilizing to pre-pandemic times, it’s really clear that a shift in pricing has to take place.  The timing of this is what’s left to be seen.  This strange anomaly of still very low inventory (although is starting to slowly climb) is keeping us stuck in limbo.

If you’re thinking about selling, let’s talk about what your home’s value may look like in this market.

Happy March! 

The Month of MarchWhat a mild winter we have had here at the beach so far.  We are not complaining, that’s for sure.

I’ve got a couple of pretty interesting topics this month…let’s dive in.

Market Report

Anyone who knows me knows I’m generally an optimist by nature.  I have to say some of the economic factors going on are raising my level of concern for our local market this year.  While the OBX is a primarily second home market, we are late to see the effects of the primary market shifts.  Believe me, changes are on the way, click here for more.

Mid Currituck Bridge

Ah yes…the long-awaited bridge.  If you’ve been waiting around for this thing since the 90’s like me, you will probably see this as a nice reminder this project is not completely dead, and also hard to get hopeful again.  Read more here.

Taste of the Beach

Yes, it’s March and time for my absolute favorite OBX Event of the year!  If you’ve never been, you are missing out on some of the best dining experiences we have to offer.  If you can make it to town the weekend of March 24 – 26th, you won’t be sorry!  Let me know what some of your favorites are!  Click here for the event website.

Agent of the Year

I was honored and excited to receive this award again for 2022.  I’m grateful to my wonderful client base and friends for the amazing support I’ve had in my career.  This is year 27 for me in the business.  I have been very blessed. Read more here.

Happy New Year from the OBX

Hello and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the OBXWhat an interesting few years in the real estate world, and the world in general!  I got to spend a good bit of time with my niece and nephew over the last 18 months and do a little bit of traveling.  After 26 years in the business, I was so grateful and fortunate to have the opportunity to still assist some new and past clients while enjoying that precious time with family!
Market Update – I’m excited for what’s to come in 2023, and I’m sure you’re curious about what the market climate is right now.  Here’s a link to my 2023 Real Estate Market Predictions.  Hint, under contract and sold properties are already down 50% from this time last year.  What do you think will happen next?
Suggestions – As I gear up to write these informative messages to you, I’d like to know if there’s any specific topic you want to know more about.  Message me with your ideas!
Construction Projects – If you are interested in doing any work to your home this spring, I have a carpenter who actually has the next few weeks open.  His skill level is vast and can handle most small to moderate-sized jobs.  Flooring, decking, windows, some siding jobs, bathrooms, drywall, etc.  Contact me for more information.
2023 Goals – It is my goal to help 33 families buy or sell on the Outer Banks this year.  If you or anyone you know is interested, I would love to help!

June Update

Happy June!  We have made it through the first holiday weekend and are ready for a great season.

Hurricane Season – starts today and goes until the end of November.  Each year the names are announced in advance.  If you’d like to see the list and a hurricane preparation checklist, click here.
Market Update – Here’s a quick snapshot of the massive activity we are experiencing.  Several reports are that this should continue for a while.  As you’ll see, we are barely keeping up with the demand.  As they come on the market, it goes right off!
*DOM = Days on Market

New Food Spots to Try

There are a couple of new OBX restaurants you might want to give a try.  I haven’t been to any of these personally, but I have heard amazing reviews of all three.  As a gentle reminder, everyone is understaffed this year, so please remember we are all doing our best.
  • Noosa Beach Grille – They are located in KDH at the former Flying Fish restaurant.  Bright colors and decor along with fresh ingredients will make this a must-try.
  • Mahi Mahi’s – Located in Nags Head at the former New York Pizza Pub. The chef is a long-time local and the videos they’ve done on their Facebook page look amazing!
  • The Pony and the Boat – Located in Kitty Hawk across from Trio.  This is a comfort food spot.  With the same owners as Paper Canoe in Duck, I have high expectations.  Paper Canoe is one of my favorite spots.

As always, if you have questions about buying or selling, please let me know!

July 2020 OBX Market Report

A lot of people have been asking me why the market has suddenly taken a turn. Fortunately this time, it’s a really good turn! The answer is quite simple if we take a look at the history of these real estate cycles.

I’ve been saying for over a decade now that these cycles, in recorded history, generally take about 20 years each turn. This is proven true over and over for the last 80 plus years. So, if we take a look at the last few cycle timelines, it just makes sense for this to be happening right now.

1985/6 – Real estate was booming – then – stock market issues, S&L crisis began
1988/9 – Things really fell apart – prices were at an all time high.
1998 – Prices started to return to the pre-boom spot (I specifically remember an oceanfront lot in Sanderling that we couldn’t give away for $250,000)
2000 – Activity went through the roof – the 10% ratio was introduced – property was selling fast, but no discernible increase in pricing, as the recovery was still in place.
2003 – 2005 – All hell broke loose. Prices soared, inventory was low, multiple offers on almost everything. We all remember those years.
2008/2009 – Once again, 20 years later another mortgage crisis and the whole thing fell apart.
2010 – 2019 – Very volatile times, especially for the northern beaches.
2020 – Once again, 20 years later we have another BOOM in activity, some areas are seeing a little boost in price, but overall no real trackable difference. It’s coming though!

All that being said, if you are thinking about buying – rates and prices are still quite reasonable. Income is high. I wouldn’t wait.

If you have been wanting to sell, get this…as of this week there are 850 properties under contract and only 792 single family homes active for sale. This is what anyone watching would call the “tipping point”.

I have seen in the last couple of weeks, multiple homes that have been for sale for YEARS, finally going under contract. Pay attention friends, it’s about to be another wild ride!

Here are some weekly stats to consider: (I’ve always said who needs a crystal ball when you track the statistics. This tells us everything we need to know.)

A new strategy is now needed to meet your real estate goals. If you would like to discuss the best strategy for you, please contact me right away!

What To Expect When Expecting … To Buy a Home on the OBX

What to expect when you’re expecting…to buy a home on the Outer Banks!

Navigating the home buying process can be a complex process. Knowing in advance what to expect regarding the condition of the home can make it a lot smoother. Here are the main things to consider regarding this process.

1. Create realistic expectations on condition. In most cases these homes are anywhere from 20 to 40 years old. The main reasons the condition might not be where a buyer is expecting it are:

  • We live in an environment that has harsh weather and it is tough on these homes
  • Most homes are rented anywhere from 15 to 25 weeks a year with multiple families occupying them. Wear and tear is going to happen
  • Since this isn’t the primary home, owners aren’t seeing it every day and often aren’t aware of what needs to be done
  • No one else is telling them about things that need to be addressed
  • Most homes are owned for several decades and owners get to an age where it’s more difficult to do the work themselves
  • Finding and managing good contractors from a distance is a challenge, especially as owners age
  • Sellers have disengaged from the property – this happens for many, many reasons.

2. It is standard language in our Offer To Purchase contract for North Carolina that buyers are purchasing the home “AS-IS”.

Yet many buyers are never told this. When you make an offer to purchase a home you need to factor in the condition/maintenance items that you can already visibly see into the offer price. Once you settle on a price and go under contract, it’s important to remember those items have already been accounted for.

So many times we see great deals go awry because the buyer is never educated on how to handle the home inspection results. This can create some unnecessary difficulties
and even result in the buyer terminating the contract on a great home, simply because they didn’t understand the process.

Here’s the actual language from the contract:

Paragraph 4(c) Buyer acknowledges and understands that unless the parties agree otherwise, THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD IN ITS CURRENT CONDITION. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that they may, but are not required to, engage in negotiations for repairs/improvements to the Property.

As you can see, it is not mandatory, nor really expected for the seller to agree to repairs after the initial agreement is signed. It is imperative that a thorough, on-site review of the property is conducted prior to making the initial offer so that all visible maintenance items are considered in the pricing strategy. The goal when listing a home is to have it priced in relation to those items to begin with. However, it is important to understand value is relative from person to person.

3. What exactly is the purpose/scope of a home inspection? There are several things to consider about the home inspection process. The primary function of a home inspection is the following:

  • Find hidden defects
  • Building code check – for information purposes. It is not realistic to require a seller to bring every outdated code up to par
  • Professional opinion of the functionality of the main systems of the home
  • Expanded review of the home (attics, roof, crawl space, etc)
  • Inspectors are paid to find problems. No home is perfect and items will be found commensurate with the age of the home. It’s important to have that expectation up front.

4. Because of the nature of the in depth inspection, it is not uncommon for unexpected issues to be revealed. How do we then handle the unexpected?

  • First, quickly remember Paragraph 4(c), the seller is not under any obligation to do anything at all.
  • We need to quickly organize some quotes so we know exactly what we are dealing with, even if the buyer is going to take on the repairs.
  • We have to decide whether we want the seller to actually fix the issues or if we want to receive a credit at closing instead. There are pros and cons to both of these.
  • We need to share the report with the seller so they can be educated on the condition of things
  • Recognize once these items are discovered they become a material defect that will have to be disclosed to any future buyers, should the buyer decide to walk away.
  • Prioritize the list of repairs that are important, rather than just asking for the entire list to be addressed. Especially since we already factored into our pricing strategy the items we could already see.
  • Understand that perfect condition will be reflected in the price. Chances are the home is already priced commensurate to the condition and age.

Main walkaway points:

  • Be realistic – you’re not buying a brand new home
  • Be flexible and willing to compromise – no house is going to be perfect
  • Weigh out the options – don’t lose a great house over a few needed repairs

Vendor List

It’s that time of year again!  Time to start planning those spring cleans and updates to get the house ready for the season.  Below is a list of vendors I can personally verify to do a good job, show up and charge a reasonable fee. Be sure to give them my name!!!

If you need a vendor not listed below, let me know!

Small Construction & Repair:

Daniel A. Lee


Chase Patterson
Albemarle Landscapes
[email protected]

Jason Woodard
Green Gator Lawn Care
[email protected]

Carpet Care/Upholstery Cleaning:

Steve Howard
Howards Flooring & Upholstery


John Lifsey 
Kitty Hawk Painting
252-261-1146 office, 252-207-3366 cell


Marion Gee


Amy Hilliker Klebitz
Certified Interior Design
[email protected]

Shearl Bell


Drew Wright
Citizens One
252-256-2018                                                                                                                [email protected]

Kelly Bergenstock
Shane Cook
Guaranteed Rate

February 2020 OBX Market Update

For 2020, it looks like good news for the OBX market finally!  Some spots are really on fire right now.  My prediction is we should see some pretty steady growth in the area for the next 3 to more likely 5 years.  This is right in line with the 20 year cycle I’ve mentioned before.  If you remember 2000, we had the big building boom, we started seeing inventory levels drop and noticed a feeling of something big happening.

This is the same feeling we have right now.  Inventory levels are low, interest rates are super low and activity is on the rise.  Here are the specifics:

  • January residential sales were up 22% over January 2019
  • January 2020 had the highest January sales numbers since 2005
  • Under contract numbers for January are up 18% from Jan 2019 and are even up 17% just compared to December 2019
  • Residential inventory is down 11%

Let’s now look at how each area is performing:


306 Active Listings      36 Under Contract      10.5% of inventory selling


68 Active Listings        21 Under Contract      24% of inventory selling

Southern Shores

47 Active Listings           9 Under Contract      17% of inventory selling

Kitty Hawk

35 Active Listings        18 Under Contract      35% of inventory selling

Kill Devil Hills

101 Active Listings      44 Under Contract      31% of inventory selling

Nags Head

121 Active Listings      44 Under Contract      27% of inventory selling

While Corolla is still behind the curve, I do feel like this may be the last year it’s struggling.  It’s about time for a turn around.

If you are thinking of selling now, or in the next year or two, please give me a call so we can discuss what needs to be done to get your home ready for the market.  Buyers needs have changed quite a bit.  To ensure a fast sale for the most money, you’ll need to put your home through my proven checklist of readiness.

Lending Worksheet

Thinking of buying a vacation property or second home on the Outer Banks? Here’s a quick
look at the most important information to know as you begin the process. While none of these
are absolute hard and fast rules, here are some basic guidelines to create the easiest and best

Securing the best rate requires:

  • Credit scores of 740 or higher
  • Non-Conforming loans allow a 43% debt to income ratio, 45% on Conforming
    (exceptions apply)
  • Tangible assets are key (i.e.: checking, savings, 401K etc.)

Second Home MUST do’s for best experience:

  • 20% or more down payment
  • Live at least 50 miles away
  • Must have access at least 2 weeks of the year- no full-time tenants
  • Use a local lender – Out of town lenders won’t know what to do with the Bill of Sale,
    Vacation Rental Addendum and might use an appraiser who isn’t as familiar with the
  • Don’t own another beach house in the area (some exceptions apply)

Investment Loan Quickies:

  • If you need the rental income to qualify for the loan it becomes an investment loan
  • Investment loans carry a higher rate, but the down payment can remain 20% (lower
    down payments carry higher rates)
  • The income to qualify will be determined by an appraiser. Appraiser will do an analysis
    of the reasonable rental income available and you can use 75% of that amount
  • Titling in an LLC will carry a higher interest rate

Best practices for any loan:

  • Flood insurance has to be escrowed and the 1 st years payment is required at closing
  • To waive escrows there is a .25% fee on loan amount due at closing
  • If you are self-employed you will need to fully qualify through underwriting to be sure of
    the amount qualified for
  • If you own multiple rental properties you will also need to be fully qualified up front to
    be sure
  • If you have declining income, the lender will take the worst of the last 2 years as the
    basis from which to work
  • Don’t buy anything requiring financing once you start the lending process

Best sources for down payment:

  • Mutual funds/stocks
  • Savings/Checking
  • 401K Loan – not counted in your debt to income ratio
  • Home Equity – will use full line payment for qualifying
  • Gifted funds can sometimes work

Worst sources for down payment:

  • Any funds that are untraceable or unseasoned
  • “Mattress Money”
  • Business funds will require additional documentation from a CPA