2024 Second Half of the Year Weird Market Selling Strategy

As we approach the second half of the year, it’s important to notice the little shifts happening along the way.  Remember, real estate markets don’t crash overnight.  It happens slowly at first, then all of a sudden.  We are in the slowly at first phase.

Our market here gets insulated because it’s not a primary market.  Being a discretionary sale and discretionary purchase for the majority of transactions, it provides a lag time from when we start to see primary markets destabilize.

If you are thinking about what to do with your OBX investment home, you need to look big picture.  Consider first and foremost, just because you don’t HAVE to sell, does not automatically mean that keeping the home is in the best financial interest for your family.  Always consult your financial adviser for guidance.

Let’s now take a look at the two options, sell or keep.  Regardless of what you choose, this information will help you set up the best expectations for either choice.


  • Good news! Prices are still at record highs.  You have not missed the boat.
  • However, pricing strategy must remain fluid. No longer set the price and then 3 months later look at it.  If you want to maximize profit here, you must be the trend setter, not the follower.
  • Inventory is rising – up 29% from this time last year
  • Demand is dropping – down almost 10% from last year, and last year demand dropped 50% from 2022
  • Price reductions are increasing – in May 368 new listings came on and 287 listings had a price reduction
  • Must be negotiable – 66% of properties sold are below asking price.
  • Affordability is still the number one concern for buyers

If you employ a listing strategy with this in mind, you will maximize your return and get the home sold in a reasonable amount of time.


  • Remember how these cycles have worked over the years.
    • Boom 1985/86 – fell apart early 90’s – stagnant until 2000.
    • Boom again 2004/05 – fell apart 2008/09 stagnant until 2019/20.
    • Boom 2021/22 – 2023 activity dropped by half, pricing is just starting to crack with price reductions and under asking price sales.
    • If the pattern continues it could be stagnant again until 2035 or longer.
  • Rising Insurance as well as other increasing vendor costs.
    • be prepared for at least a 14% increase in dwelling policies and unknown yet for homeowners.
    • Service providers are increasing costs: lawn care, pool/hot tub maintenance, linens, etc
  • Return to pre-pandemic rental income.
    • It starts with lower vacancy rates. 2024 is already seeing only 90% booking.
    • Next will be set lower rates – discounts are already happening.
    • If you stay, the cost to own will go up, with income to support going down.
  • Prepare for capital improvements.
    • Tightening insurance underwriting regulations are requiring updates to stay insured. Roof, water heater, etc
    • Continued lack of demand for homes that have not been updated. Especially as inventory increases, you’ll need to have prime condition and updating to be chosen.
    • Reality of a major storm this year or next. Let’s face it, no one likes to say it, but we haven’t had a hurricane since 2018.  Generally, we see a 6 to 9 year pattern.

If you do decide to keep the home through the next cycle, let’s at least put together a plan to get your home updated and where to best spend the money.  I also have a list of trusted vendors who can help you get things done.

Now that you have the big picture, let me know if I can be of any help as we navigate this next market shift.

August Market Update 2023

August on the Outer Banks

We are closely watching the main stats on supply (up 33% since January) and demand (down 44% since January).  Part of that is watching more specific pockets of activity to glean a closer insight into future trends.  One of those trends I’ve noticed in my near 30 year career is that of high-end home sales.

Take a look at the numbers for Duck and Corolla.

Homes sold $2M and over:

2019 –              6

2020 –              26

2021 –              64

2022 –              51

2023 –              17 YTD  (Likely on track for 27 total)

    • Even if we end up at 27 sold, that will be a decline of 47% year over year.
    • Number of price reductions to get homes sold is going up; 60% of properties sold are under list price, compared to 51% last year.
    • Median days on market for the high-end sales has gone from 21 days to 93 days year over year.
    • There are currently 30 homes for sale in Duck and Corolla $2M and over. With basically 2.4 buyers a month this is over a year worth of inventory.

With interest rates rising, insurance costs rising, rents stabilizing to pre-pandemic times, it’s really clear that a shift in pricing has to take place.  The timing of this is what’s left to be seen.  This strange anomaly of still very low inventory (although is starting to slowly climb) is keeping us stuck in limbo.

If you’re thinking about selling, let’s talk about what your home’s value may look like in this market.

July Market Update

Happy 4th of July on the Outer BanksMid-year is upon us and not much has changed since the last report.  I did notice an interesting trend regarding CASH in our marketplace.  Here’s the deal.  There have been 136 home sales in Duck and Corolla since January.

Of those 136 home sales:

  • 32 Cash
  • 13 Jumbo Loans
  • 91 Conventional Loans

A conventional loan amount is $726,200.  With the typical 20% down, that means a purchase price of around $875,000.

  • Only 53 of the 136 homes sold were under $900,000
  • 83 homes sold over $900,000 up to $6,300,000
  • 13 were jumbo loans
  • 22 were cash
  • The average price is $1,251,000
  • The median sales price is $992,500

A jumbo loan amount is anything over the $726,200.  There were only 13 of those reported.  There were 48 Conventional loans in the $900,000 and up price range.  This means that 48 buyers out of 83 brought enough cash to the table to get their mortgage at or under $726,200.

To paint a clear picture – 32 cash buyers, 48 mostly cash buyers.  That’s 80 buyers (60%) who brought a ton of cash to the closing table to buy a home on the Outer Banks.  Including the highest sale of the year so far – $6,300,000 ALL CASH!!!!  This just seems amazing to me. (Here’s a link Click Here to View Listings to that home if you want to see what $6.3M gets you)

This is a clear indication that buyers have no problem parking cash in a beach home right now.  I mean, why not?  Let’s look at the 3 main reasons this could be a good idea.

  1. Rental income – If you choose to rent, the income will at the very least cover your mortgage. That means, future equity you reap, all paid by SOMEONE ELSE.
  2. Bank Failures – With banks failing across the country, and the Dodd-Frank Bill legalizing, if not mandating, “bail-ins” a lot of people don’t feel safe keeping their cash susceptible. Rather, they are investing in a tangible asset, and one they can enjoy themselves and have others pay for!
  3. Inflationary Fiat Dollar – Let’s get real, the price of real estate will NEVER go to zero. As inflation spikes even more and more out of control, the dollar is tumbling closer and closer to zero.  It seems buyers are hedging their bets on the tangible asset of real estate versus the tumbling value of the dollar.

We haven’t even begun to see the effects of the commercial real estate crisis looming.  This is widely affecting regional banks who are holding the notes on these buildings that are sitting empty in record numbers across major cities.

Don’t get me wrong, my message is not of doom and gloom.  What’s going to happen is going to happen.  My point is, what is your best move?

If you are considering selling, there are cash buyers waiting for your home.  We do have investment vehicles where you can put your money and AVOID capital gains tax in the meantime.  Contact me for more information.

If you are thinking about buying, get off the fence and don’t let the interest rates deter you.  You won’t have much competition buying right now and there are some great opportunities out there!

Currituck County’s PRELIMINARY Updated Flood Maps

The following information is copied with permission from the Outer Banks Association of REALTORS(R) .

Currituck County’s PRELIMINARY updated flood maps have been released. Information pdf on how to access the site. The link will take you to the flood map FRIS page, click on ok and then select the County (Currituck).In the upper right corner you will see “effective”. Go there and select “preliminary”. You will be able to look at the new proposed maps that will hopefully be adopted within the next year.

If you zoom in, you will start to see aerial views. By clicking on the map in a particular area you will get the information on the right side of the screen or you can search by using magnifying glass on menu at top left. Most of our county is seeing a significant change to elevations being lowered and many homes will come out of the flood zones or be classified into a lower zone (VE to AE for an example According to the NC Floodplain Mapping Office, the preliminary maps show that Currituck County has 11.5 square miles of V Zone (89.5% decrease from current maps) and 249.5 square miles of A Zone (24.75% increase):

  • ‪Under current mapping, there are 1,097 buildings in the V Zone; new maps show 126 buildings in the V Zone;
  • ‪Current maps show 7,020 buildings in the A Zone; new maps show 2,767 buildings the A Zone.

There are oceanfront V Zone properties that are coming completely out of the special flood hazard area – being changed to an X Zone!

Please keep in mind that these are only preliminary maps. They will have to undergo a 90-day appeal process, a public meeting process and final FEMA approval. This entire process could take up to 18 months. In the meantime –  good news overall for homeowners in the special flood hazard area!

July Update for the Outer Banks

We are half way through the season and the traffic is an unkind reminder. Saturdays have been a bear for sure. The weather has been quite pleasant for the most part. With the exception of good old Arthur swinging through over the 4th! The beaches north of Oregon Inlet were spared from any major damage. Not even an evacuation! That was odd for sure.

There are a few noteworthy topics this month. 

Mid-Currituck Bridge After months and months of silence on this topic there’s been a few rumblings. Not good news at all, even though two local Reps are staying positive, it’s an unlikely project to be revived any time soon.

You be the judge – Article 1 and Article 2:

Insurance for NC Unless you act today, thousands of NC property owners could continue to face sharp increases in their insurance rates, as much as 35% for barrier islands and 25% statewide. The North Carolina General Assembly is considering a bill right now that would protect them. It would create transparency, accuracy, and fairness in the insurance rate-setting process. The House passed the bill unanimously, and now it’s time for the Senate to take action. Please contact NC State Senator immediately and request a vote on HB 519, Property Insurance Rate-Making Reform.

Click here for more info.

Market Update  Not much has changed since last month. Activity is strong, while prices continue to be affected by the large inventory numbers. Average days on the market is still over 200 days for most areas. The month’s supply of inventory for most locations is at least 12 months with Duck showing 18 and Corolla at a whopping 30 months. What does this mean? It means we are still recovering. This is not a short term process.

I’m putting together a special email with a full Fall Forecast for the Outer Banks Market. If you want to receive the Fall Forecast, email me at [email protected] with the words “Fall Forecast”. 

Do you still need a LIVE real estate agent?

Beach Realty and Costruction Agent of the Year 2012As the article I read recently proclaims, America’s favorite springtime sport does not involve a stadium, peanuts or cracker jacks. It is browsing the real-estate market.

Zillow is a great tool if you’re a novice to the market and just want to look around an area, city, or use a zip code to look at property. However from my recent experiences with several clients there is nothing that beats a good agent.

Buying a house is really hard work these days.  Between flood insurance issues, the never ending and increasingly more difficult lending process, navigating the 11 plus addenda page legal contract, and the home inspection issues that arise…going this process without a proven professional will ONLY result in frustration and a deal not closed.

The fact is, YOU already have a full time job.  So do I…dealing with all of these issues.  It used to be that we would advertise, find a buyer, negotiate the terms and then turn it over to the attorney to close in 30 days.  Boy those were the days!  Not today.  I’m finding that I’m more needed in the transaction at day 20 to 45 than even before negotiation.

Sadly most of the lending problems don’t show up until the last minute.  The flood insurance issues don’t pop up until the appraisal is done and elevation certificate is issued or turned over.  It’s not the same to buy a house today, as it was when I started my career nearly 18 years ago.  We had a simple 2 page contract then!

Zillow is not in a position to assist with any of these issues.  Only a full time, professional real estate agent with lots of experience is going to be able to successfully navigate the way from contract to closing.  Finding the buyer is the easy part…getting the deal closed is where the blood, sweat and tears come in.

Financially Zillow looks even less attractive, at least to me. They are expected to lose 27 million this year. A loss that is double of last year. Wall Street loves the stock and it has done well for many but a company losing double of last year’s earnings is not for me.

In my humble opinion, you cannot beat the real life experience of a live real estate agent.


A vote is expected this week on a newly revised version of H.R. 3370 – Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act.  Please continue making calls this week to other NC House members and ask that they VOTE YES on the bill:

District         Name           Party       Phone

1      Butterfield, G.K.           D                  202-225-3101
2      Ellmers, Renee             R                  202-225-4531
3     Jones, Walter B.            R                  202-225-3415
4     Price, David                    D                  202-225-1784
5     Foxx, Virginia               R                  202-225-2071
6     Coble, Howard               R                  202-225-3065
7     McIntyre, Mike             D                  202-225-2731
8     Hudson, Richard           R                  202-225-3715
9      Pittenger, Robert         R                  202-225-1976
10   McHenry, Patrick T.    R                  202-225-2576
11      Meadows, Mark     R                  202-225-6401
12      Vacant
13      Holding, George    R                  202-225-3032

The latest version of the bill can be found here http://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20140303/BILLS-113hr3370v2-SUS.pdf

The legislation does the following:

  • Reinstates Grandfathering – This bill permanently repeals Section 207 of the Biggert-Waters Act, meaning that grandfathering is reinstated. All post-FIRM properties built to code at the time of construction will have protection from rate spikes due to new mapping – for example, if you built to +2 Base Flood Elevation in an AE zone, you stay at +2, AE zone, regardless of new maps. Also importantly, the grandfathering stays with the property, not the policy.
  • Caps Annual Rate Increases at 15% – This bill decreases FEMA’s authority to raise premiums. The bill prevents FEMA from increasing premiums within a single property class beyond a 15 percent average a year, with an individual cap of eighteen percent a year. Pre Biggert-Waters, the class average cap was 10%. Biggert-Waters raised the class average cap to 20%. The bill also requires a 5% minimum annual increase on pre-FIRM primary residence policies that are not at full risk. The updated legislation also states that FEMA shall strive to minimize the number of policies with premium increases that exceed one percent of the total coverage of the policy (e.g., 1% of $250,000 = $2,500).
  • Refunds policyholders who purchased pre-FIRM homes after Biggert-Waters (7/6/12) and were subsequently charged higher rates after their 10-1-14 renewal.
Permanently Removes the Sales Trigger – This bill removes the policy sales trigger, which allows a purchaser to take advantage of a phase in. The new purchaser is treated the same as the current property owner.
  • Allows for Annual Surcharges – This legislation applies an annual surcharge of $25 for primary residences and $250 for second homes and businesses, until subsidized policies reach full risk rates. All revenue from these assessments would be placed in the NFIP reserve fund, which was established to ensure funds are available for meeting the expected future obligations of the NFIP.
Funds the Affordability Study and Mandates Completion – This legislation funds the affordability study required by Biggert-Waters and mandates its completion in two years.
Includes the Home Improvement Threshold – This bill returns the “substantial improvement threshold” (i.e. renovations and remodeling) to the historic 50% of a structure’s fair market value level. Under Biggert-Waters, premium increases are triggered when the renovation investments meet 30% of the home’s value.
  • Additional Policies Included: This legislation includes several other provisions including preserving the basement exception, allowing for payments to be made in monthly installments, and reimbursing policy holders for successful map appeals. It also includes a study of voluntary community-based flood insurance options that would assess options, methods, and strategies for making available voluntary community-based flood insurance policies through the NFIP; gives states authority to regulate private flood insurance; and mandates that regulations and rate tables be published in the National Register and open for comment for not less than 45 days before becoming final. 

Information courtesy of the Outer Banks Association of Realtors Legislative Council.

Outer Banks Area Update

I hope your pre-holiday season is going well.  We’ve had quite the cold spell hit the entire East Coast this week and who knows, we could even see another flurry or two here at the beach.  Just hope it doesn’t stick!  I have a few things to update you on this month.

Flood Insurance – Bipartisan legislation has just been introduced in Congress to remedy the unintended consequences of Biggert-Waters.  Senate Bill 1610/House Bill 3370 – Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2013 – will delay the loss of grandfathering for four years until several steps are taken to address the affordability of coverage. For more information and what you can do to help read the full article here.

Beach Nourishment – One step forward.  It’s looking really good for nourishment projects in Kill Devil Hills, Duck and Kitty Hawk.  Of course it takes a while to get the projects actually started.  KDH put together a really great page of FAQ’s that you can read here.

Loggerhead Turtles – Perhaps two steps back. Never a dull moment in the coastal/wildlife arena.  The push to throw a wrench in the beach nourishment plans have already begun.  Read more here.

Holiday Activities – If you’re going to be on the Outer Banks for the holidays this year, here’s a website to check for some local activities you might want to check out.  Be sure to click on the “Events” tab. http://www.outerbanksthisweek.com/things_to_do/


Senate Bill 1610/House Bill 3370 – Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2013

In North Carolina, please Contacting Senator Kay Hagan: (202) 224-6342 and Senator Richard Burr: (202) 224-3154.

To find the contact number for the Senator and Representative in your State/District go to:



Current Local impact examples:

LOWER MARKET VALUE?: Bank owned property (land and house) for sale in Avon at $189,000. Home was built in 2005 in an AE zone. Property is Sound side, three rows back from the water, is elevated and did not flood in Hurricane Irene. Prior owner paid $1,200 a year for flood insurance. 2006 revised flood maps put the house in a VE zone (highest risk zone). Prior owner was able to keep the rate premium based on the AE zone. Due to foreclosure, the bank did not carry a flood policy. Potential buyer was quoted $15,000 for a new flood insurance policy. Buyer walked away and a cash buyer purchased the property for $149,000. The new owner was not required to purchase a flood policy since there was not a mortgage on the property.

OUT OF BUSINESS?: An older motel property on the oceanfront in Kill Devil Hills was built before the first flood maps became effective. The owner received a discount on flood insurance and paid approximately $5,600 a year in premium. After asking his insurance agent what his ultimate flood premium would be after phased in rate increases, he was told approximately $55,000.

FORECLOSURE?: A home built prior to 2006 flood maps, located in an AE zone. Owner pays $800 a year for flood insurance. 2006 maps put the home in a VE zone. Owner was quoted $21,216 a year for $250,000 of structure coverage, $100,000 of contents coverage and a $10,000 deductible under the VE zone risk. The owner states that this will make the house unsellable and unaffordable to keep.

A CURRENT OWNER TRYING TO SELL THEIR VACATION PROPERTY RECEIVED THIS NEWS! Their policy is grandfathered to an AE Zone and their renewal premium is $363 a year. If they lose the grandfathered option the renewal would be rated to their current VE Zone and the premium will be $5,870 a year.

REASON… While the law phases in rate increases on older structures, it also removes the grandfathering option when new maps show a change in elevation or flood zone. Structures that weren’t in a flood zone when built may now be required to carry flood insurance. Homes that were built to flood standards in place at the time of construction will now be required to pay to the risk shown under any future revision to the flood map. Revised flood maps will be released in NC tentatively July 2014 but properties where no flood insurance policy exists are already being impacted when a new policy premium is quoted.

As REALTORS we have a responsibility to inform you of this change in the law and how it may impact you.  We continue to fight this law by asking for a total delay of the implementation.  BUT, we can’t do it alone.  We need you! It will take a majority of all US Senators and Representatives to reverse the impacts of this law.

(Written by the Outer Banks Association of Realtors Legislative Sub-committee on Flood Insurance Affordability)

Happy 4th of July from the Outer Banks!

Happy 4th!!!

As is typical for the Outer Banks this time of year, there’s not a lot of activity to report…other than everyone is having fun at the beach.  The weather has been rainy and humid!  We haven’t seen extreme hot temps which is good.  I hope you’re enjoying your summer so far!

Bridge – No news.  Don’t count on it in our lifetime.

Insurance – Rates hikes for homeowners insurance went into effect July 1st.  This will impact buyers and the amount of mortgage they can now qualify for based on the expenses.

Market – The real estate market usually slows down in July.  Barring a hurricane, we should see a spike in activity in about 4 weeks.  If you want to get a jump on the market of buying or selling check out my website (here) or contact me for more information.

Duck Oceanfront A second public hearing will be held on July 17th at 1 p.m. regarding the regulation of oceanfront accessory structures such as dune decks, walkovers and oceanfront pools. Information on the proposed ordinance which could greatly affect the construction or reconstruction of oceanfront pools and eliminate the development and redevelopment of any dunes decks can be found here.

Occupancy Tax – Looks like guests will be asked to pay an additional 1% tax on all vacation rentals soon! Click here for details.

If you’re on the Outer Banks for the 4th of July, here is a list of activities you can check out.