Happy April! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Beautiful weather has finally arrived at the beach.
I have a few interesting topics this month.
Insurance – While prices are rising, so could insurance costs. There are some pretty significant changes that you need to be aware of if you are buying or selling. First and foremost, make sure your insurance coverage is sufficient. Lumber costs have gone up 112% since last year. Make sure you check in with your agent to be sure you are covered.
For the rest of the changes, click here to read the full article.
For the rest of the changes, click here to read the full article.
Top 5 Destinations – If you thought last summer was busy, just wait. You’ve probably seen this graphic floating around on Facebook…here’s the full article if you’re interested. Be prepared for a wild season, and if you haven’t booked already, you may be out of luck. Go ahead and book for next year too, just in case.

Market Report – Not much has changed in terms of activity. The market is still very active! For a breakdown of inventory/activity per town click here.